Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Part Where I Talk About What I've been up to, and New Year's Resolutions (pt. 1)

Well, as promised, I didn't keep up the blog as much as I had hoped in the past six months. If anyone could see me now, I would be chuckling quite heartily. Anyways. Down to business!

I haven't been keeping up the blog that well, but that's in part because I've found myself much more busy than I expected to be. Since June, I've moved from the little house I was living in to an apartment by UCLA (after couch-hopping for two weeks), redid my reel, and started work with Ann Taylor Loft. Working in retail has been quite the experience. Also, my roommate, E, got me to do this crazy cool thing called National Novel Writing Month (, if anyone's interested), in which you're supposed to try to write 50,000 words to a novel in one month (and that month is apparently November). So, we got to it. She's writing a pretty cool paranormal teenage drama novel, and I wrote an idea that's been bouncing around in my head since I was in high school or so. I made a great attempt, but only got half way through before I ran out of ideas. Still, I wrote so much that it almost seems ... irreverent to not finish, so that's on my to-do list.

So, my life's pretty much been: go to work at Loft and work on my reel. Pretty boring life, if I don't say so myself, but ... it's what I've got until I get a full-time job with a previs company.

Anyways, the year's coming to a close, and what good is a year ending if I can't make promises that I intend to keep (and hopefully will this time around)? So here are my New Year's Resolutions, pt. 1.

1. Keep up this blog! - no explanation necessary, honestly. I've found, via NaNoWriMo, how much I missed writing. There were crappy short stories back in Junior High and High School, all of which I enjoyed making but were never really that great. Now that I'm older, and in somewhat need of an alternative creative outlet when I get discouraged with previs, writing comes out. The blog will hopefully relieve some creative itchings, and I'll be able to post stories, ideas, outlines, or whatever else I can think of.

2. Re-do Project 365 - I did one in 2009, and started one 2010 with my camera phone that never got finished. The 365 days of the Project that I did over 2009 were some of the coolest days ever, and some of the pictures that I took then are still some of my favorites today. Thus, with the idea to do the things that make me happy, I'm going to restart the Project, starting at 12:00 AM January 1, 2013. I look forward to the things that I'm going to see next year.

3. Complete a detailed outline of my novel that I started in November - similarly, no real explanation needed here. The reason I stopped writing is because I ran out of ideas! Having heard of the program literally days before it started, I only had my initial idea and sketchy, vague extraneous veins that were mildly related. I want to finish this thing. I want to keep writing. I just need a plan!

4. Complete another outline of a second novel idea for next November - let's be real ... I don't do things at half-speed. It's ALL or NOTHING for me. When I've got one idea, I've got ten ... so I need to do my best to see at least these two through.

5. Get a pre-vis job! - this is, after all, the point of this blog. To start something that gets me out there. Gotta keep truckin', basically, until I've gotten to where I want to be.

Well, that's it pretty much, for now. I'm sure more ideas for resolutions will come as the 31st swings into view, but for now, I'm done with this post for the night. Cheers!


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day #1, hopefully of many

Well, I will be the first to admit it: I'm usually pretty terrible at keeping a blog up. But, I'm now a recent college graduate, heading off into the great unknown that is the real world, and I know that my (quite embarrassing) high school/college blog kept me sane throughout some of the hardest years of growing up, so... here I go again!

While the last blog I kept was more of an online diary, this one's definitely going to be more about art, the animation industry, job-searching, and, well, whatever strikes my fancy. So, I guess this is just going to be a more *ahem* centered and focused online diary! Haha.

Anyways, here's to my first stab at real life, a real blog, and a real occupation. Wish me luck!
