Art For Art's Sake

'Cause who doesn't like having fun and making something beautiful from time to time.

This page will be for stuff that isn't necessarily portfolio-worthy work (i.e. fanart, or quick sketches that turned into something I, personally, like, but don't exactly pertain to the fields I want to get into), but things I have created and have thus put an equal amount of my heart into.



Last year, I made a series of drawings/paintings to be transferred onto wood in an experiment with a pinterest post to see if photo transfer to wood was possible (and would look good). So, I made this series, and have unofficially called it: "The Cities That Built Me".

Left to right, top to bottom: San Jose, CA, USA; San Francisco, CA, USA; Hong Kong, HK, China; Los Angeles, CA, USA; Auckland, New Zealand.

Who knows if more will be added in the future!


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