Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Part About Last December

So ... I failed in my claim of putting up last December's pictures two weeks ago, or whenever that was, but I'll be better! Here's December :)

December 1, 2013. Lookie at the roomie chillaxing watching tele on the computer. we're just so technologically advanced here.

December 2, 2013. Christmas-tree-buying with Caitl.

December 3, 2013. Volleyballing with the other Tiffany. We cool like that.

December 4, 2013. Macklemore concert with E and then we ran into Keyon and Chuck! Very cool.

December 5, 2013. The GIANT Christmas tree down at the Galleria, on the other side of the building that blocks our morning sun.

December 6, 2013. Gnomon has like five old-school arcarde games in the hallway for break-age when us animators can't handle staring at computer screens any longer. So we stare at 8-bit screens :D

December 7, 2013. Bahahaha watching Doomsday with Caitl for her first time. Ohhhh the feels! Oh David Tennant, you wreck my heart.

December 8, 2013. Look at my lovely E!

December 9, 2013. Persimmon peels :)

December 10, 2013. E made cookies for work. So I ate a bunch. Wahahahha.

December 11, 2013. Late night leaving LMU. Lookit that pretty moon :)

December 12, 2013. Lights and colors!

December 13, 2013. Fog effects in the mirror :)

December 14, 2013. Christmas shopping in Santa Monica. Great day! Got so many presents that day.

December 15, 2013. Went to Walt Disney Concert Hall to see Handel's Messiah with Film School Friend, her roommate, a bunch of her church friends, and E. Was pretty cool!

December 16, 2013. Juxtapose with November 15th. Crazy how much fear can motivate a person to do so much in just one month ... haha!

December 17, 2013. Colors and framing.

December 18, 2013. Gamer partyyyy. haha they're all playing Attack on Titan, which I apparently need to watching on Netflix...

 December 19, 2013. On the way to the Edison with Caitl.

 December 20, 2013. Last day at Gnomon

December 21, 2013. Presents Wrapped and Ready to go!!!

December 22, 2013. Mini-tree. Mother. Lights. So happy to be home :)

December 23, 2013. Watching Dad watch the last game at Candlestick Park. <3 the 9ers.

December 24, 2013. Pre Christmas tradition of reverse secret Santa! Warm welcome to Ali for joining in on our Christmas Eve mass and present opening!

December 25, 2013. LOVE these two. I literally sleep like this too. Puts my arms to sleep, and can be frustrating in the mornings, but it's good to know it comes from somewhere. Haha

December 26, 2013. Family trip to the Muir Woods. My mother is so silly.

December 27, 2013. BOO!

December 28, 2013. the Schneider family Christmas party :)

December 29, 2013. Driving up to Redding and Lake Placid with the parentals to see the Lake Shasta Caverns. (see below)

December 30, 2013. Cavernous Cavern at Lake Shasta.

December 31, 2013. Last sunset of the year. I, then, promptly passed out after dinner because I was very ill. All in all, least interesting New Year's Eve ever. EVER.

Well, that's that. 365 days of pictures. Well, I missed a day, so 364/365 days of pictures. But hey, at least that gives me something to shoot for next time I do this project: a perfect 365/365. Here's to hoping next time!
