Monday, January 7, 2013

The Part Where I'm Feeling Kind of Uninspired ....

Hey y'all, sorry I missed yesterday. I got home, and was SO dang tired that I pretty much went straight to bed. Me and E saw Django Unchained (the 'D' is silent, kiddos, don't forget that.), which was really cool, but REALLY tiring because it is pretty epic. It was a very solid film overall, but not as good as Argo (which I will rave, and rave, and rave about if you let me). Either way, from the films I've seen this year so far, I totes want Leonardo DiCaprio to win for Best Supporting Actor this Oscar season. I saw Titanic for the first time last year (teehee, it's still kind of weird typing that), and he was awesome, and I loved him in Inception, and his creepy crazy sociopathic plantation-owner character in Django is pretty much the best thing ever, so I hope he wins something this year for all his hard work. The screenplay should probably be up for something too, but, personally, there was far too much use of the n-word to let me be comfortable, but considering everything from a historical standpoint, the use of the word was apropos to the situation ... which makes me glad that America, as a country, has come so far in the 150+ years since the Civil War (though, we still got a ways to go...).

Anyways. I'm not really in the mood to start something, but here are the two pictures from yesterday and today:

January 6, 2013. This is my friend C, who's an animation major still at LMU. It's kinda funny because each year, there's like one or two majors who are Catholic and go to mass at the 8PM at school, and she's one of the ones from the "junior" class (she's only a junior in my mind, really, because she's in the year below me). Anyways, she got back from a cruise in the Mediterranean on Friday, and we went to church on Sunday, and we were both pretty out of it (her from jetlag, me from having work from 5-9:30AM), and it was pretty funny after mass was over. It's a little under exposed, but... meh, I still love her expression. She's probably going to kill me for posting this ^_^

January 7, 2013. This is the intersection down the street from my workplace. I think, if you squint, and get creative with your imagination, you could see the building I work in (it's blocked by the trees! a.k.a. you can't actually see it; I'm just pulling your leg). But yeah, like this post title's says, I'm feeling kind of uninspired. And unfortunately, the laziness follows. I'm a little sad that I can't seem to see anything, the way I did last the last time I did a Project 365 ... it was like, everything was opening up everywhere and I was finding super cool shots left and right! But this time around, not so much. I think maybe it has to do with the fact that I haven't really touched a camera since, oh... summer time. That's cause for a big unhappy face. But I guess: all good things with time. I just gotta get back into the groove of things, and then shots, sequences, scenes... they'll all open right back up to me.

In other news, I'm watching this really great youtube series called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, which E recommended to me right before Thanksgiving. I watched them all, over the course of the end of November and December, and because of it, started rereading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (which the Lizzie Bennet Diaries is based upon, and which, hilariously enough, I couldn't stand to read when it was assigned reading in high school, and barely understood for that matter). I just got the part where Elizabeth Bennet is starting to realize she maybe has feelings for Darcy, but then gets a letter from Jane saying that their younger sister has potentially eloped with the nefarious George Wickham, and all I can think about is the fact that I am, once again, stuck between the boy who is trouble and the boy that I (inevitably) cause trouble for. And I'm thinking, "This time around, I'm not sure I'm going to pick the right one, but all I really want is a Darcy.

Dammit. Go figure. Literary figures trump every guy in real life. Disney didn't set me up for relationship failure; Jane Austen did.

Oh man, just when I thought my life couldn't be more hilariously soap-operaish.

Peace out, kiddos. Stay drama free. Lol. It sucks from this side of the fence.


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