Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Part About Caffeine

If there's anything I've learned from this week, it's that caffeine is probably the worst thing you can ever give me. Which surprised me greatly, considering I usually have a tolerance for this sort of thing ... but I guess I just haven't been drinking it enough as of late. E gave me coffee on Monday morning and I was pretty much bouncing off of everything all day long. And on Monday, I got to be an extra in a thing for my Film School Friend ... so I was just sitting around all day, shaking my butt off in silence with my brain racing at about a million miles an hour. I swear ... I drank the coffee at 7:30 AM, and I was ON until probably about 6:30 PM, when I crashed super hard. Learned my lesson though: never, EVER drink E's coffee without eating breakfast of some sort.

But anyways, I learned my lesson not to let my photos pile up for two+ weeks, so here are the last four so far from this week:

August 12, 2013. Well, like I mentioned earlier, I did a extra thing with Film School Friend, and since it's a film thing, I'm under the assumption that I'm not allowed to post any pictures of anything, so this is what I took a picture of ... me and Film School Friend's converse! I've been wanting red ones for a while, and I had a gift card to Macy's, so I splurged!

... And, well, it's a great first item to start cosplaying with ... Tenth Doctor, here I come! ^_^

August 13, 2013. Well, let's be honest, this one was taken 25 minutes after midnight... Second time I've forgotten about my picture of the day :/ I hope I don't make it three by the time this year is over.

It was kind of funny: me and E were chatting away, cackling for quite a bit when *GASP* OMG I FORGOT MY PICTURE OF THE DAY. Literally rolled out of bed, sprinted to my bag and pulled my camera out to snap this one. It's pretty sweet. I rather enjoy the silhouettes of our stuff against the light. E is in the bottom corner, but you can't see her, which I'm sure she's happy about, but what I really love is just the light. That set up is pretty much all I need in life.

August 14, 2013. Well, thought I'd take a funny-ish picture. This is my computer tweakin' out. Every now and then, my screen'll do this, much to E's amusement. It usually fixes itself in a few seconds, so it actually ends up being pretty entertaining and not as bad as it looks.

August 15, 2013. Feast of the Assumption. Holy Day of Obligation. Had to go to a different church than I usually do because I got off work late. It was a bi-lingual mass, which was always fun, but, unfortunately meant that I couldn't understand about half of the mass. Still, t'was a good mass ^_^

Anyways, other than being somehow motivated enough to post my pics, I've had a pretty successful day in thinking up ideas for future blogs, so hopefully I'll get on that soon and write some stuff that doesn't just center around my pictures, though that's what this thing has mostly become as of late. Hopefully I'll get some new, more interesting things up soon though!


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