Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Part Where I'm Learning to Jaywalk With Impunity

New York, New York! What can I say?? It's a pretty amazing, but I figured I should probably post something while I'm actually in the Big Apple.

Saturday continued into a night for the history books. That is all until I can get my pictures figured out...

Sunday was wonderful! I went to mass at the beautiful St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan, and met up with my beautiful Tahoe SeaGoat Buddy! We walked all the way up through Central Park, got caught up in a Harlem Shake (check it out on Youtube "Central Park Harlem Shake"; we're halfway up and on the right edge), visited the Metropolitan Museum and saw some pretty beautiful Impressionist art, and the Matisse gallery there.

After we lost SeaGoat Buddy on the subway (semi-on purpose, in that we actually were separating, but not on purpose because we accidentally just got separated on the really super crowded subway), Ray and I went to The Strand, which is this really epic bookstore in Manhattan. It was very ... epic. haha

Monday was pretty low key. I went on the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island cruise. Unfortunately, we couldn't disembark because of damage from Hurricane Sandy, but it was cool getting ferried around the islands and up under the Brooklyn Bridge and into New York Harbor. Ray met me and we walked around Wall Street and he told me about being at the One Year Anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. We took the subway up to Grand Central Station and the New York Public Library.

Man! Grand Central was AMAZING! It sounds funny, but everything in New York seems a lot smaller than pictures make it out to be (funny, i know; I think all the photographers must use either wide lenses or fisheye lenses, because EVERYTHING is way smaller than I thought it would be). On the other hand, Grand Central was BIGGER than I thought it would be. And it was beautiful. It definitely lived up to its name.

The New York Public Library... wow. Another beautiful, BEAUTIFUL spot in NYC. Gorgeous use of natural light and open spaces. And the ceilings! Wow! So, so much detailing, it was almost painful to look at. But we just sat on the benches for a little while and admired all the art work above us. It was definitely awe-insiring.

From there, we had yummy, spicy ramen and then called it a night, especially as my phone decided (unfortunately) to crap out. Oh! we watched Atlantis: the Lost Empire that night too. Very cool movie. Kind of surprised I hadn't seen it before, but I'm very glad to have seen it now.

So Tuesday, had to go try to fix my phone, and ended up just getting a new one, considering my phone's age and propensity to glitch out when it really shouldn't and die super quickly. So, new phone! Thankfully, I don't have to make a silly number group on facebook or something heehee.

After that, got lunch with one of my friends from elementary school. It was really nice to see him! I can't believe how much has changed and how much fun we had catching up. It was good to see him ^_^ After that, met up with Ray at Midtown Comics, rode back to Astoria to pick up my now-fully charged phone, and headed back to Manhattan in the hopes of getting rush tickets to Wicked (didn't happen :/). That was pretty entertaining, though. There were two guys there, both foreign, who had the same name, which was pulled to win the raffle. It was a pretty funny moment to watch them both jump up in excitement, and then realize they shared the name. I dunno. Maybe you had to be there.

After that, had a nice little night on the town... =) and got home in time to watch Wreck-It Ralph with Ray and curl into bed just after midnight.

Today, I went to Princeton to visit my cousin. GAWD that was a hilarious, mistake filled trip, but I made it there, saw her and the University and had a really great time! And, this also technically means I can cross New Jersey off my list of states to go to.

Got back in time to find Ray and one of his housemates chatting about marijuana and legalization, which was pretty entertaining. And now they're chatting about what they would do in the event that they accidentally killed someone. Yeah ... I came all the way to New York to listen to in-depth conversations about how to cover up murder. Oh dear Lord.

All in all, New York is GREAT. Teaching me new things, keeping me on my toes. I've really enjoyed getting to know this city. It's slowly but surely opening up to me; I will be sad to leave it, but I don't think I'd actually be able to survive actually living here. But, who knows where the next couple years will take me. I may be eating my words very soon if applying to grad schools actually becomes a thing.

Anyways, it's just past midnight now, so I'm going to head to bed. Good night world; Happy 9oclock, West Coast!


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