Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Part Where I'm (More Than) A Little Behind On My Photo Updating

Yeah... I'm still obsessed. It's a little problematic, but whatever. I'm gonna figure my way out there again soon. Anyways, it's been a solid 20 days since I photo dumped on y'all, so here goes. Believe it or not, I actually HAVE been keeping up my project 365. So next time will be all reminisce-y, but this time is work, work, work!

March 1, 2013. Actually, my initial desire was to put up a picture of the constellation Orion from my window on the airplane, but then I realized it was pretty much the same as the one for February 28, so I decided on this; my first view of Manhattan, from Ray's rooftop in Astoria. He wasn't kidding; it's a million-dollar view. It was hella nippy up there! I remember being very excited; this was my first view of NYC! There was so much potential, so much to do in the week! Turns out I could never have been prepared for how epic that week was ^_^

March 2, 2013. Because I'm a miserable failure, I brought the wrong camera charger with me. Thus, I had to use disposables for the first few days. This is my first time in the subway. The man-shaped silhouette is Mr. Raymond. There was supposed to be another subway shot... but I think the silly disposable camera people like stole two of my photos from the camera... =/ I very distinctly remember taking a picture of a Chinese violin player when we got off the subway, but the picture wasn't in my stack. So sad. The lighting down there is terrible, but I was still really pumped to see if that one came out at all.

March 3, 2013. Some secrets, I will have to take with me to my grave. Well, that's not entirely true. But this is Times Square in the dead of night. Really trippy experience, with all the lights on, but no one around. Trippy, but really beautiful, and strangely tranquil, especially for Times Square. I think it says a lot that so much of this picture came out when all I had was a disposable camera set to ISO 400. It was seriously lit up like daylight!

March 4, 2013. It's seriously difficult to try to get everything in a photo lined up while you're on a boat,  rocking back and forth O_O. Anyways, I went on a tour of the New York Harbor that day. I wanted to go out to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, but both of those islands are still closed due to damage from Hurricane Sandy. Such a shame too, I probably could have easily spent all day there just running around the islands, what with all the history, so... I guess I'll just have to go back when it reopens!

March 5, 2013. Lunch date with an old friend! He works in Manhattan now, just down the street from Grand Central Terminal (BEST place to people watch, by the way). It was really great to see him and catch up on all the craziness that's been going on since we saw each other last!

March 6, 2013. Took a train to Princeton to visit my little (super smart and awesome) cousin. We hung out; I read a book while she was in class, went to Princeton's on-campus art museum (saw some REALLY awesome pieces that I love, love, love, and have actually heard of!), and then had dinner before I jetted off back to New York. 

March 7, 2013. Like I said, Grand Central Terminal is the best place to go people watching. This isn't from rush hour, but rush hour was one of the coolest times ever. It was kind of funny to listen for trains coming in and then see a big group of people hurrying off in random directions. I always like to wonder about the people who are running; where are they going? are they late for something? It's always an intriguing story to think about in my head. Hahaha. I kind of wish I had been able to go there with better light. It was cloudy/dark all the times I was there. Worth it, but still a little sad without good light. 

I saw this poem on the subway while I was there, and I absolutely fell in love with it.

It's by a man named Billy Collins, b. 1941:

Grand Central

The city orbits around eight million
centers of the universe
and turns around the golden clock
at the still point of this place.

Lift up your eyes from the moving hive
and you will see time circling
under a fault of stars and know
just when and where you are.

Beautiful! Just beautiful ^_^ It makes me really, really happy, somehow, and I'm not sure why...

March 8, 2013. My last night in the Big Apple, so how else to top off a great week, than with a visit to the Empire State Building. It was fun, playing with all my camera functions, and this came out of one of the random functions I have, so yay! It's so pretty, it doesn't even look real. Sometimes, I think back and kind of wonder if it was all real... But it was wonderful! so I'm glad it was. I don't think I'm creative enough to come up with an adventure as epic as the one I had in New York was ^_^

March 9, 2013. On the road up to Boston. I think this was in Connecticut, but it very well could have been in Rhode Island. They didn't exactly tell us when we crossed over. It was cool to see the sunset though. Very pretty country up there!

March 10, 2013. the New England Holocaust Memorial, from the inside of one of the columns. From far away, it looks like the columns are made of see-through glass, but when you get close enough, you can see the numbers from the concentration camps etched into the glass. There were six pillars, reach representing a camp, and it was a really simple, beautiful, and thought-provoking memorial.

This is what happens when we forget that we are all humans on this Earth together. May we never forget that again, and may we actively fight those who have hate and cruelty in their hearts.

March 11, 2013. Running around Boston with another one of my cousins; we had a pit stop at Fenway Park, because... well, BOSTON! I guess it's pretty sweet, and I figure I'm glad I stopped there 'cause... well, it's Boston, so how do you not go to Fenway??

March 12, 2013. Logan International Airport. They have rocking chairs?! hahaha Almost the most brilliant thing ever. I love it! So I took a picture ^_^

March 13, 2013. The detritus of a pretty great trip. So sad to have to take it all out of my bag and unpack. It was quite a journey. Can't wait to get back there and have more adventures!

March 14, 2013. The one pet that I have with me in LA! A birthday present from my mother, actually, from last year. I really, REALLY need a job with a desk I can put him on. He seems kind of sad, and we just use him as a TV remote holder. I think he wants a new job as much as I do!

March 15, 2013. Yeah, I'm a creeper, I know. It was getting all foggy though, so you can't see anyone; but that's my Kairos sister and her boyfriend, and they're being adorable together, so I couldn't resist. ^_^

March 16, 2013. E says she weirdly likes this one. Hey! Me too, that's why it's the photo of the day. Hahahah I love my roommate. She's the coolest =P

March 17, 2013. Happy St. Patrick's Day! What did we do????? We watched the LA Marathoners run through our backyard! Well... kind of. If we had a backyard, they'd have run through it. It's actually the VA Hospital. So we sat on our bums all morning, cackling and cheering them on, and then went out for a little St. Patty's Day frivolity! It was pretty wonderful. 

March 18, 2013. Haha, let's be real, I totally forgot about taking a picture that day, and kinda made E be in this one. But she's over exposed, so it looks artsy and cool.

.... yeah... just go with it. Please? Pretty please....????

March 19, 2013. My big came out to Westwood and had lunch with me! And we caught up on life and exciting things happening in our lives. She's making a documentary for a class about people who are multiracial in LA and the issues they have to deal with on a daily basis. She's so cool!! =P

March 20, 2013. Happy First Day of Spring! Now it's officially time to break out the annoyingly bright colors in pastels and neons and pinks and and whites and yellows and stuff like that. I feel a little sad that I've never noticed this before, but there are cute butterfly sculptures hanging from some of the overhangs at the Century City Mall! Well, I haven't been over to that side of the mall a lot, but I'm still sad I haven't noticed them before. I'm glad I got this though!

That's it for me. I gotta get to bed. Gotta get up kind of early tomorrow for a maybe job thing? I don't know. I'll have more to say when whatever I'm going to tomorrow is done. But fingers crossed for the best! Maybe I can finally say goodbye to retail....

Hey. A girl can hope, eh?


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