Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Part About My Half Birthday

Man! After my steady stream of posts, I kinda lost steam I guess. Now it's been like two weeks! Shoot. Not gonna lie, it's been a crazy couple of weeks. In short, I've been pretty much been swept off my feet by three things, three great things: 1. New job! Actually kind of in animation, which is, like, REALLY exciting. 2. started classes at Gnomon! Woot! Pre-Viz, pre-viz, pre-viz, yeah, yeah, yeah!!! and 3. well, boys, boys, boys. going out and doing things apparently takes a lot of time out of the day. I do forget that. Anyways, don't have much going on, but I figured I should put up the pictures for the past two weeks, so here goes!

October 15, 2013. Our calendar. And E's reflection in it! She wrote "End of the world! (economy)" on the 17th, in reference to the debt ceiling, but obviously that didn't come to pass. But I was laughing so hard I had to take a picture of it.

October 16, 2013. Invited Caitl over for some tequila-honey, cayenne pepper-curry steak, and then we hung out for a bit. Ladies' night in :)

October 17, 2013. Went to LMU to do a bit of homework before alumni CLC. Was storyboarding and watching Doctor Who, when I looked up and saw the sunset light between the beams in Uhall. Such a pretty sight ^_^

October 18, 2013. LENS FLARE. Channeling my inner J.J. Abrams, what can I say? There's just something about the color juxtaposition!

October 19, 2013. Went to a Disney crew party with E. We were eating by the romantic candlelight. Lovely :P

October 20, 2013. Went hiking for my friend Keyon's birthday! Happy birthday, my friend! How does it feel to be a full-on adult and actually be able to rent a car without extra insurance in California!

October 21, 2013. Batting cages at the mini golf course near my apartment. GREAT stress reliever. And much cheaper than getting therapy for miscellaneous issues, bashing things is :)

October 22, 2013. Well, I actually forgot to take a picture on the 22nd, so I took this one on the morning of the 23rd before I headed out. Again, it's all about the colors, and I kinda crack up when I look at my bedroom in the gray morning light because, as colorful as I love having my room to be, my bed's all sorts of neutral colors in the morning light, except for my bright orange Buizel. Wish I'd thought to position him better, but oh well, it's still a mildly funny picture.

October 23, 2013. Waiting for Elise outside of Disney, getting fancy with the time functions on my camera.

October 24, 2013. Looking out.

October 25, 2013. the coffee table at Gnomon in the student lounge. Big fan of the glass cover on the table that, I guess, students have stuffed pennies under over the years. :)

October 26, 2013. Dress shopping with E, real early in the morning for the dress she is going to wear to the Frozen wrap party!

October 27, 2013. 'Ello E! Day 1 of my mini series. haha not really, but kinda. Somehow actually took pictures of E every day ... she's the most exciting part of my life, for sure.

October 28, 2013. E, day 2!

October 29, 2013. Happy half-birthday to me! So I took a picture of the better half of my roommate pair. lol.

But yeah, that's just about all that's been going on in my life, really. I said this last time, and maybe it'll actually be true this time (again, I think I said this last time), but with any luck, I'll put some more pictures up by the end of the week, and I'll actually keep this blog up to date just a bit. :)


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