Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Part About Silver Linings

God there are so many ironies in using this picture, but I think that's exactly why I have to use it. I put it up on instagram the night of the daylight savings switch with the following caption: 

Especially on rainy days, always find your silver lining. 

It was a lucky capture; if I hadn't lingered on goodbye I would've missed it completely, and as I drove away, the moon went from glowing on the edge of the cloud to fully illuminating the sky. 

Lucky can't help but describe my year perfectly. And I've come to realize that I'm far luckier than I believed and I REALLY need to work on being grateful. 

It's no secret that I'm not a huge fan of the actual work of my job, even though it's 100000000000% at the company I want to be at. The people I work with, on the other hand, are some of the coolest, funniest, all around bestest people to work with. To get where I want to get and make the connections I need, yeah, I don't mind working at my job. The people at work more than even out my mild dislike for some of the things I have to do at work. 

But today blew me away.

I've had days where I messed up, I've had days where I've been sick off my head, but I'd put in a solid argument for today being the worst day. 

But my coworkers came in around me and did everything they could to make me feel better. As it always is when things are fresh, it was hard to hear reassurances and advice, but they didn't give up. And when I was too bull-headed to accept any of it, they were there to just tell me it'd be okay. And one girl took it upon herself to send me anything funny or fandom related. And then there were cute fuzzy animal pics. And generally lots of giggling. 

Basically, I'm barely there for a third of a year and I've still got the coolest, nicest, all-around kindest coworkers I couldn't imagine having in my wildest dreams. 

So yeah, I had a good time wallowing today at work, but then I got to the gym and tried figuring out my emotional state and found that I was ... Mostly okay, and it wouldn't have been that easy without the people I work with. 

I am lucky. I refuse to forget that. 

Sometimes the worst part about stormy days is keeping my head up and looking for that silver lining ... So it's days like these that make me happy that I have people, coworkers, friends around me who don't make it all that hard to see clearly.

Thanks guys :)
