Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Part Where ... Tomorrow!

I officially get to sing along to Taylor Swift's "22" starting TOMORROW!! Oh how time has flown... My parents coming into town made this weekend pretty sweet. I finally went to visit the Queen Mary in Long Beach, so we ran around that all day. Phew! I'm pretty bushed from all that, to be honest. We finished off the day at this super nice restaurant on one of the upper desks, where the food was pretty dang expensive, but it was pretty much all worth it because it was all super, super delicious. Mom had lamb, Dad had scallions, and I had duck. And wine. Bahaha! And we all had soup!! Mmmmm that was delicious too.

Before we were eating, we were watching some seabirds diving for fish... At first, there were probably three or four, but by the time we were seated, there was a good dozen or so. Very interesting to watch, honestly. And then to top off the evening, dolphins! We watched like three or four swimming in the school of fish that the birds were dive-bombing. I'm pretty sure they were trying to eat too, and then we watched them swim out of the harbor.

Anyways, all in all, probably not a bad way to end my 21st year. I think I'm gonna have to go back to visit sometime. There were a few things I didn't get to do; we went on the Ghosts and Legends of the Queen Mary tour, the Self-Guided Audio tour, and the Princess Diana exhibit, which is housed there and is a pretty epic history of the Royal Family.

Then church... the whole of Middle Earth was there! Oh it was great to Ann and Michael and Jordan... I can't believe that it's almost been a whole year since we all met, essentially. I mean, we all knew each other/knew of each other, but in the course of three months, everything changed, and now, I can't imagine not knowing them! It's crazy that it's almost 365 days since graduating LMU.... Crazy, crazy, crazy!

Anyways, I gots to go. Delivering my bike up to Tiffy in Westwood; just wanted to throw in a quick blog post before I headed out. G'night! T-minus 1 hour and 15 minutes 'til 22!!


Friday, April 26, 2013

The Part Where It's Almost My Birthday!!

Three days, eh! Yeah, it's exciting. And strange ... this is the first birthday in recent memory where I'm not scrambling to finish some sort of project. This is going back like... eight years, at least. Yupyup, all the way since the beginning of high school. Though, I guess in high school, it was more of a conglomeration of a ton of things, where as in college, it was usually one big project that I was working to finish. I mean, I got hired to do some effects on a student film this past week, which has made this past week a lot less enjoyable than I wish it had been, but, hey, I got to clear the cobwebs on my AfterEffects skills and made some pretty sweet light saber and force lightning effects (yeah... it's heavily influenced by Star Wars). It's actually a pretty cute film; it just really hit home to me to see how under-appreciated the VFX industry is. By no means am I a professional, but ... to be brutally honest, I think I got paid like $1.50/hour, which makes sense, considering the fact that I'm working on a student project. But if that's the mentality that's being fed out into the film industry, suddenly all the bankrupt VFX houses start to make sense because directors are being led to believe that VFX work should be that cheap, which is totally untrue.

Anyways. I don't want to get into industry politics right now, so I'm just gonna shut up.

And furrealsies! It's almost my birthday! I'm excited; my parents are showing up in LA, in approximately 3.5 hours. We're gonna have a family weekend ... still not quite sure what I'm gonna do with them, other than this SCAD Open House thing tomorrow, but I'm sure we'll figure it out as the weekend goes on.

It's crazy to think about what a difference a year makes ... times sure have changed since last April. I can't believe where I am, what I've done, how I've changed. It's a pretty impressive thing to think about, honestly. It's kind of funny that graduation will have happened exactly one year ago, next Sunday, and I was so unsure of what I was doing, but so sure at the same time. It's funny how I had all these plans, and I'm nowhere near them right now, but I wouldn't give up what has happened this past year for anything. What a year, what a year!

Haha! Birthdays are almost more important to me, and re-evaluating everything, than New Year's.

I've also been thinking about how much a change of setting can help refresh life. Leaving Loft was the best decision I've ever made. It's funny, with my new job, I am probably more vocal about thinking something is wrong, which often means that my boss will shoot me down, but at the very least, I'm voicing my discontent. Haha, that sounds like my new job is terrible, but it's really not. It's got the fast-paced nature and interpersonal interaction that Loft had, but it's much more in line with ... well, me. And my boss treats me well and I'm slowly but surely feeling the creative spark come back to me, which is something that never happened for me at Loft. It was almost like I could feel it draining me every time I went in. I was fighting so hard with myself to enjoy working there and be positive and keep my head straight and out of politics ... it was just a mess. I'll always be happy for the people I met there; they're really fun and nice, but I really needed to get out.

Onwards and upwards!

Anyways, before I bounce, photo update!

April 19, 2013. Feelin' a bit patriotic after that week from hell.

April 20, 2013. E had a special reading of her book. It was fantastic! I'm excited for the rest of it to be written ^_^

April 21, 2013. We had a busy, busy day! Went to a 3D showing of The Little Mermaid, then out to the beach, then to a fundraiser for Boston, then to mass at LMU! T'was very busy, and very fun, and very full of people!

April 22, 2013. The Command Center! Working on the Star Wars project, watching Doctor Who, and eating a sandwich. Actually, it was a pretty good day ^_^

April 23, 2013. Happiest of Birthdays to my lovely little, Erika. You are the light of my life. Thank you for Facebook stalking men when I am completely incapable of doing so. And for assuming that my phone password is some nerd reference. Which it's not. =D

April 24, 2013. Again... E! Yeah... it's an occupational hazard to live with me while I'm embarking on a Project 365. Goodness knows you'll have a LOT of pictures of yourself at the end of that year. ^_^

April 25, 2013. Ohhhh Kellie, the labs have not been kind to you. Love you!!


Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Part Where This Whole Week's Been Wonky

Yeah, everything's felt super strange this week ...  I mean, I'm sure part of it has to do with Boston, but then Texas happened, and then Cal State LA, and then MIT tonight. I feel like all these terrible things happen all at once all the time. It's a little overwhelming...

I need to get up early tomorrow, so it's just photos tonight. I'm feeling all sorts of out of sorts that I'm even skipping my customary episode or two of Doctor Who! Yikes, I need sleep or something. Or maybe I'll just go read in bed. Hopefully that'll set me straight.

Here we go!

April 10, 2013. I walked down to Subway to get some dinner, and walked out to this! As much as Los Angeles can be grating on the soul at times, I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of an LA sunset. It's always quite beautiful.

April 11, 2013. My wonderful CLC group going down the escalators in Uhall.

April 12, 2013. Midnight soccer on the beach. Went to the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica to clear my head and see some old friends. I love the smell of the ocean; it gets me every time ^_^

April 13, 2013. Burbank Arts and Crafts Fair. E volunteered to work it through her work, so I wandered and looked at the stalls and just generally had a good time in downtown Burbank

April 14, 2013. Oil painting which I started last summer and never got around to finishing. Oh the layers I see when I look at this thing!! I need to start putting all my color efforts into this thing. The desert colors are amazing O_O!

April 15, 2013. Happy Spring ya'll! Snapped this on the way to Tai Chi this Monday. Love the green and the red

April 16, 2013. Volleyball. Because I'm a California girl through and through. And there's no better way to spend a week night than to be crushing balls and souls on the volleyball court =D

Hahah! J/k!! ... or am I.... O_O =)

April 17, 2013. Phew! This week was busy. Got together with my amazing Kairos co-leaders at In-N-Out for a reunion/dinner thing. Lots of laughs + a fair amount of swearing + EJ's hilarious stories = a great time had by all!

April 18, 2013. CLC tonight! I got designated leader, so I took someone's suggestion and led an art reflection. Yeah, real original, I know, but it was fun! and creative! and colorful! aka... all the things I love, so ... really, no one should be surprised. ^_^

Okay. Good night world! Stay safe tonight everyone.


Monday, April 15, 2013

The Part Where Tonight, I Want Peace (He Was Only Eight Years Old)

Words cannot describe what I'm feeling right now. I've been mulling over words all day; what to say, who to call, how to feel. There is nothing but shock for me right now.

Work, for me, started at 11 AM today. I wasn't really aware of the date: that it was April 15th, tax day, the Boston Marathon. One of my cousins who I visited while on the East Coast joined a group of her coworkers to run it this year. It was her first marathon ever! She was so excited, posting about it on Facebook constantly, asking for people to donate, as she was raising money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. When we saw each other in Boston last month, it was all she could talk about.

I worked until about 1:30, and then my boss had to go out, so I was on the computer doing research. I pulled out my phone to check for messages, and saw a few tweets about something going on in Boston, at the Boston Marathon. I think my heart stopped in that instant.

I didn't know what to do; who would know if my cousin was all right? I called my mom. I called my mom's work place. ... I called my mom again. Why wasn't she picking up!? This is important! Alone in front of that computer, there were a few moments where I didn't know if she was alive or dead or injured or okay, and all I could think about is how I had talked to her just last month! This couldn't be happening. That side of the family is a lot closer in age to me and my brother, so we had been relatively close growing up. I can't say we were best friends or anything, but I definitely can't say that I've ever even imagined a world where she, or any of my cousins/sibling, just ... isn't.

After calming down from my mini-panic attack, I smartened up and checked Facebook, and she had been in contact with her sister who had posted that she was all right. Relief has never felt so sweet.

I texted my other East Coast friends, one of whom is actually in Boston, doing a year of service. Since she works at an elementary school -- and it's a Monday -- I assumed she would have been at work. She's probably fine, I said to myself, I'm just checking up on her because I know she's there and it affects her directly. My cousin's all right, so my friend has to be fine.

What she sent back was far worse than I could have imagined. Physically, she was all right, but she had decided to go watch the Marathon and cheer on the runners. I don't know where she was, if she was near the blasts, or across the street, or farther away, but I did find out that the blasts were on the same street as a restaurant she took me to on my first night in Boston. It's one of her favorites. It's a place she knows well and enjoys hanging out at. It's a place of happiness and good memories for her, and for me.

But that's what terrorism, in the broadest sense of the word, tries to do, isn't it? Take something happy, and good, and turn it into something to be feared.

And in the process, they killed people, maimed others, and injured dozens more.

The youngest dead, at this hour, is an eight year old boy.

So ... I have just one question to whoever did this: WHY?

It comes down to this, sir or madam: you killed an eight year old. He had his whole life ahead of him. He was, what?? God, a third grader! You murdered an eight year old.

Ugh! I don't want to write about it like this; I don't want what to come from me, after this tragedy, to be anger or hate. There's obviously enough of that out there for someone to do this sort of thing. I don't want to trivialize those who have died by spewing anger at whoever did this.

I want to remember those who have been hurt, those who have died, with dignity, with more dignity than whoever did this will ever know.

Tonight, I want peace. I want peace for the mother who lost her baby today. I want peace for my friend who  will never be able to un-see what she saw today. I want peace for my cousin who worked so hard to complete this marathon, but couldn't. I want peace for all those who have been injured.

But most of all, I think I want peace for whoever did this, because ... whoever you are, there's got to be so much hatred inside you, so much anger, that compelled you do this, that it's got to be hard to move or think or be. So, I want you to know peace, to know the calm that comes when there isn't any anger or hatred.

Tonight, I want peace for everyone.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Part Where ... Oops! I Haven't Done a Photo Dump in a While

Yeah, so ... photos!

April 2, 2013. Saw this on the way to work at Loft... I figured, it's gotta be around time for summer to start when the palm trees need a little trim off the top. Haha, oh Los Angeles!

April 3, 2013. Line dancing at Happy Endings in Hollywood. pretty fantastic night, if I do say so myself. Lotsa craziness happened that night

April 4, 2013. I went to Agape Latte at school for our alumni CLC meeting. Got to hang out with a bunch of people, and generally had a nice time. Lindy's talk was awesome. She's such an inspiration ^_^

April 5, 2013. My last day at Loft!! ... My manager, who has the key, and who I've been... mongering about for a while, was a FULL half an hour late. I was not happy. ... Just so rude, honestly! But, I was just messing around while waiting, and decided to take a self-portrait in the window of the store across the way. Good way to say good bye!

April 6, 2013. Had the second day of my new job, and then got ice cream and Lincoln from the RedBox with Elise! That was a ton of fun walking around. And Lincoln was a really great movie. Totally loved Tommy Lee Jones's character, and Daniel Day Lewis was superb!

April 7, 2013. Oh look! A little yellow balloon! Caught my eye on my way to church, and I had to take a picture of it

April 8, 2013. I was waiting for my tai chi class to start, but I got to the place earlier than necessary, so I went to the middle of the field by the recreation center and just laid down. And it was a wonderful, like, hour ... of just ... being. But I was miserable with allergies for the first fifteen minutes of class. Haha! But it was sooo worth it!

April 9, 2013. Went to beach today after work, before volleyball started. There's something strangely ... magical about the beach. It was really refreshing, but I'm sure anyone who saw me there thought I was nuts, cause I was wandering around and dancing on the beach to music that no one else could hear. And then there was a swing set, and sat and swung, and it was great.

On another note, I've been watching WAY too much Doctor Who. It's such a fun show! I can't believe it's taken me this long to start watching. I've been wanting to watch it for such a long time, so I'm glad I finally started, and now I'm just sad I haven't seen it all before! The CGI on some of the older one is pretty sad, but ... forgivable, considering it was the mid-2000s. I really had a great time watching Christopher Eccelston as the Doctor, and it makes me super sad that he didn't enjoy being the Doctor, because he was fantastic. But I really get why Barty Crouch ... errrr ... David Tennant is a favorite! He's a really cool Doctor ^_^. Can't wait to see Matt Smith in action in a few seasons!

Anyways, this episode I'm watching is taking up all my attention. Peace!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Part Where This Week Has Been a Parade of Ups and Downs

Well, needless to say, this week has been a bundle of excitement.

For starters, it was my last week with Loft and my first with my new job! So, there was a fair amount of drama. There's been a lot of drama with Loft lately, and I'm just happy to be out. Some of the choices from the management have left me with dubious impressions of the some of the people who work there =/. Regardless, I'm just happy to be done ... like, really, really happy to be done.

Anyways, week of excitement! I had the fantastic opportunity to work every day at Loft this week, even though it was my last week (am I the only one reading that whole sentence sarcastically?). Somehow, despite the fact that I was leaving, I managed to have the most hours out of any of the Sales Associates, while some of the other ladies, who are actually staying at Loft, got only one shift. I don't understand my ex-manager. There didn't seem to be a lot of logic to how she was setting up the schedule sometimes.

Needless to say, I was confused, a little more than slightly peeved, and way more than totally over working at Loft. It kept feeling like I was being tested for my commitment to finish my last two weeks with Loft, when I really just wanted to point out that nothing she was going to do was going to make me break my promise to finish off my time. It sure as hell felt like a prison sentence, honestly. It was infuriating!


But! This whole week, other than my now ex-job, everything else was amazing. Like I went to this bar in Hollywood with a few of my cooler coworks, with the intention of learning how to line dance and just generally have a good time. And a good time was had by all! Best part of the night: learning how to line dance; funniest part of the night: getting hit on by the drunk Ukrainian actor; most unexpected part of the night: meeting Tom Felton. Yeah... that was... very unexpected. Haha. He was nice enough, but kind of skittish considering that there were four of us and half of us were a little more intoxicated than they should have been. Le sigh, I guess you win some, you lose some. In all honesty, I hope I get to go back to that bar to keep learning how to line dance. It was a super chill place and really fun and had a pretty sweet vibe.

Then, on Friday, I hung out with Alexander, and Hoovsies, and Katie Kanoosk, aka Film School Friend. We had a really great time just hanging out at this really yummy place in Culver City which, surprisingly didn't have Guinness, which was really sad, but had shoe-string garlic parmesean fries and toffee cake to die for (supposedly the burgers are also amazing, but none of us got one. next time!). Very fun to catch up and soak in the scene; we (collectively) ran up a decent sized tab, had some pretty delicious foodses, and just enjoyed the scene in total.

Meanwhile, E was at a thing with her coworkers at the National History Museum, which she described to me as this hang out thing that the Museum puts on every first Friday of the month for young people to come and hang out and chill. It sounded pretty fun!! Unfortunately, it's only once a month, which, I guess makes sense in terms of necessary funding, but also means that I'm not going to be able to check it out until next month, which seems super far away! =(

Crazy, how much can happen in a month, anyways. I mean, one month ago, I was 3,000 miles away and running around a completely different city! Oh how times have changed. I'm excited to get out to the Museum next month, and I'm sure I'll look back on this past month and be very interested in seeing what's been going on with my life.

Well, that's all really. It's been a crazy, draining week, and I'm ready for some vegging time!


Monday, April 1, 2013

The Part Where It's April First...

... so I think this'll be my last blog ever. I'm just not enjoying blogging the way I used to.

Le sigh.

JK! Yeah, there's no way I'd stop. I'm kind of an attention whore, have you noticed? Haha!

Happy April Fool's Day! I hope everyone had a good day and didn't have a ton of pranks pulled on them, and did lots of pulling.

Anyways, in exciting news, today was my first Tai Chi class, no April Fool's Joke. It's way, way cool; I remember my dad doing it when I was really little, and I've always kinda wanted to do it since, so ... I signed up for a class! And then tonight was the first class. It was very cool; I'm a little (a.k.a. very) out of practice with any martial arts stuff, so it was nice to get back into it. I'm excited for next week!

and now, pictures!

March 30, 2013. There's an E, and there's a me! I'm a big fan of mirrors this time around, as the next picture shows. And that's our messy living room. Haha. It's pretty much another person at this point. Why doesn't it pay its own rent...? 

March 31, 2013. Happy Easter! This, of course, was taken FROM the living room, into the mirror. That's the lovely E; we got all dressed up and pretty for Easter and had a great time watching Game of Thrones before mass.

April 1, 2013. Our pool. Nothing too fancy. I wish I coulda taken a picture of Tai Chi, but ... oh well. Maybe another time. I'm the youngest person by about 30 years there, which is pretty hilarious, but all the ladies are super nice, so it's all good!

Good night all!
