Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Part Where I've Been a Busy Lady!

Oops! I haven't done a photo dump in a while. This is gonna be a long one...

June 25, 2013. Outside of Caitl's apartment. I really liked the colors... I guess I probably should have cropped it a bit more, but my Project 365 is all about not doing anything to my pictures post-taking. It's always about the photographer and the moment, and not the type of camera you have.

June 26, 2013. I have so many pictures of E, so... here's a new one! ^_^

June 27, 2013. Trying to capture the June gloom before it disappears for the year.

June 28, 2013. Pretty!!

June 29, 2013. SQUIRREL! It was gnawing on a nut, and my balcony door was open, so he was kind of bothering me, so I took a picture of him. Adorable little nutter. There've been a few squirrels running around the trees behind my apartment. They're pretty hilarious.

June 30, 2013. DOUBLE TIME.

yeah. I should never try puns.

July 1, 2013. My KaiChi cooks so well! Fish tacos! Mmmm they were delicious ^_^

July 2, 2013. Words, words, words. Outline for my NaNoWriMo story for this year. I've gotta get this thing done before November...

July 3, 2013. I've been watching Merlin a lot lately. Thank god Merlin's got a handle on my dragons, seeing as he's a Dragon Lord or whatever. haha they're his bodyguards or whatever.

July 4, 2013.

July 5, 2013. LIONS. AT A SOUP PLANTATION!!!!!! Haha, me and Film School Friend and her roommate went to see The Heat and had food at Soup Plantation and there was an adorable little kid putting his toys up on the barrier between our tables. Soooo cute!

July 6, 2013. Shakespeare in the Park! Stayed over at FSF's apartment and then ended up spending the whole day with her and her roommate, and then Shakespeare in the Park! We watched Macbeth, a.k.a. (apparently, in the theatre world) "The Scottish Play", which was super fun! I want to go back and watch As You Like It later in the summer.

July 7, 2013. Okay, that sign is HUGE. it looks like it should be like ten feet away from the camera, but it's actually PAST my car. Yes, that sign is BIGGER than my car. Good LORD. It was funny. Or maybe it was only funny because E and I have been up for way to long...

Yeah, it's been busy, so all this is finally getting put up (sorry for the delay, Mom, promise I'm still alive down here in LA). It's been a hard week, with E being out of town... I've begun to realize that I'm not that great at sleeping in a huge empty apartment by myself. So sad :( haha I'm just glad she's back now!

Anyways, I'm tired, off to bed!


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