Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Part Where Fantasy Rules

I believe in alternate universes. I believe in alternate universes the way that some people believed in Santa Claus as children or the way that some people believe in the afterlife. It's a fantastical idea, but the world out there is way too big and crazy and unexpected for there NOT to be a chance that alternate universes exist. So I choose to believe in them.

My personal theory on alternate universes (and one I've heard isn't super uncommon among people who like to  ponder these types of possibilities) is that every little decision you make spawns a new universe outside of the one you are living in. There are literally googols of universes out there that exist and spawn new ones and new ones and new ones, and, essentially it's infinite.

And, sometimes, when I'm feeling low, I like to play pretend that my favorite literary or TV characters exist and there is an astronomically tiny possibility that they actually exist; that the ideas that spark these crazy shows are just the universes bleeding together. That there is an astronomically tiny possibility that they actually exist and can actually show up at any random moment and make things a hell of a lot better than whatevers going on in the now.

That, my friends, is the power of fantasy.

"Rescue me, Chin Boy. Show me the stars. " -- Clara, Doctor Who.


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