Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Part Where This Week Has Been a Parade of Ups and Downs

Well, needless to say, this week has been a bundle of excitement.

For starters, it was my last week with Loft and my first with my new job! So, there was a fair amount of drama. There's been a lot of drama with Loft lately, and I'm just happy to be out. Some of the choices from the management have left me with dubious impressions of the some of the people who work there =/. Regardless, I'm just happy to be done ... like, really, really happy to be done.

Anyways, week of excitement! I had the fantastic opportunity to work every day at Loft this week, even though it was my last week (am I the only one reading that whole sentence sarcastically?). Somehow, despite the fact that I was leaving, I managed to have the most hours out of any of the Sales Associates, while some of the other ladies, who are actually staying at Loft, got only one shift. I don't understand my ex-manager. There didn't seem to be a lot of logic to how she was setting up the schedule sometimes.

Needless to say, I was confused, a little more than slightly peeved, and way more than totally over working at Loft. It kept feeling like I was being tested for my commitment to finish my last two weeks with Loft, when I really just wanted to point out that nothing she was going to do was going to make me break my promise to finish off my time. It sure as hell felt like a prison sentence, honestly. It was infuriating!


But! This whole week, other than my now ex-job, everything else was amazing. Like I went to this bar in Hollywood with a few of my cooler coworks, with the intention of learning how to line dance and just generally have a good time. And a good time was had by all! Best part of the night: learning how to line dance; funniest part of the night: getting hit on by the drunk Ukrainian actor; most unexpected part of the night: meeting Tom Felton. Yeah... that was... very unexpected. Haha. He was nice enough, but kind of skittish considering that there were four of us and half of us were a little more intoxicated than they should have been. Le sigh, I guess you win some, you lose some. In all honesty, I hope I get to go back to that bar to keep learning how to line dance. It was a super chill place and really fun and had a pretty sweet vibe.

Then, on Friday, I hung out with Alexander, and Hoovsies, and Katie Kanoosk, aka Film School Friend. We had a really great time just hanging out at this really yummy place in Culver City which, surprisingly didn't have Guinness, which was really sad, but had shoe-string garlic parmesean fries and toffee cake to die for (supposedly the burgers are also amazing, but none of us got one. next time!). Very fun to catch up and soak in the scene; we (collectively) ran up a decent sized tab, had some pretty delicious foodses, and just enjoyed the scene in total.

Meanwhile, E was at a thing with her coworkers at the National History Museum, which she described to me as this hang out thing that the Museum puts on every first Friday of the month for young people to come and hang out and chill. It sounded pretty fun!! Unfortunately, it's only once a month, which, I guess makes sense in terms of necessary funding, but also means that I'm not going to be able to check it out until next month, which seems super far away! =(

Crazy, how much can happen in a month, anyways. I mean, one month ago, I was 3,000 miles away and running around a completely different city! Oh how times have changed. I'm excited to get out to the Museum next month, and I'm sure I'll look back on this past month and be very interested in seeing what's been going on with my life.

Well, that's all really. It's been a crazy, draining week, and I'm ready for some vegging time!


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