Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Part Where My Feet Are In Unimaginable Anguish!

So much pain! On one hand, all the shipment I was supposed to get done for the day ... is done. On the other hand, MY FEET ARE IN UNIMAGINABLE ANGUISH! Hence the title of this blog. Haha. Loft gets new shipment every Tuesday, and, like last week, I got to work the 8-hour shipment shift! Thankfully, I got to work it with my co-worker Moises, who's a shipment pro, and a really chill guy, which resulted in hilarity when we both got past the point of deliriousness after being on our feet for 7.5 hours straight. But it's done! Thank god. (I did slice my hands open three times. Yikes. Ouch. )

Thus, my day was real interesting. Kinda thankful it's done now.

Just, now it's time to fold my laundry. Ayyyyyy. It never ends!

Here's January 8th:

Got some pretty gorgeous golden light while I was walking to work, and this is what I looked up and saw ^_^. It's like a scavenger hunt! I love getting lost in branches and leaves, and then there's something fun hidden in it all. It almost feels like fall... if it weren't like four months totally late. LA's gotta be good for something I guess! Haha. 

After a day like today, I can't wait to get back into the labs tomorrow. I'm actually looking forward to staring at a computer for 8 hours straight and fighting with Maya to get stuff done ... and I can't believe I just wrote that sentence. I don't care what they say: Computers are a girl's best friend! I get to be anti-social. Sweet. ^_^


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